Schönheitsfehler: Die alte Textlupe ist überholt und verlangsamt das Arbeiten unnötig. Genau das was ich fürs wissenschaftliche Schreiben gesucht habe: Fußnoten, Gliederungsfunktion, verspricht auch, ganze Bücher zu verkraften. Sehr gut, wenn man im Zusammenspiel mit der Desktopapp arbeitet Send your documents via eMail anywhere.
Export files as DOCX, RTF or PDF from Mellel for iPad. And easily open them in place or your iPad. Save your documents to iCloud Drive, Dropbox, and compatible storage services.
ICloud: Turn on iCloud to make your documents automatically available on your Mac:
Page: Apply page style, to change the margins, headers and footers and other attributes. Section: Apply section styles to set two, three or four columns in any section of the document. Lists: Start, stop, increase and decrease lists, and apply list styles. Text boxes: edit and manipulate text boxes. Images: Add images to your document, and move them around. Paragraph: Apply paragraph styles or set the alignment, line spacing and direction yourself. Character: Apply character styles or set the font, font face, size and other attributes yourself. Styling is easy: Mellel's powerful styles will allow you to style your documents on-the-fly or using styles, allowing you to maintain consistency and apply a myriad of changes all at once: Document viewer: Add, duplicate, delete, name and rename your documents. Zoom: Examine details or zoom out to 4-up view, to view your entire document flow. Special characters: Use the Insert strip to easily insert special characters and symbols. Word count: Count words, paragraphs, lines, notes, and more. Tables: Insert and edit tables in your document. Notes: Easily add footnotes, endnotes, author notes, and more.
Comments: Add comments to your document. Track-Changes: Track changes you and others make in a document. Find and Replace: Find any word, anywhere in your documents. Auto-titles: Easily add headings to structure your document. Outline: Easily navigate your entire document via the Outline. Power at your fingertips: Mellel supports several powerful features, allowing you to access some high-end word-processing features while enjoying the iPad ease-of-use: #STORYIST VS MELLEL MAC#
At home with a Mac or on the top of the Mont Blanc with your iPad, you can now work on your documents, keeping your cross-references, citations, images, captions, custom auto-titles, notes and so on intact.
What’s even better, Mellel for iPad will gradually incorporate advanced features added to its Mac counterpart.Įnjoy full compatibility: All the attributes set on Mellel for Mac are compatible and will be maintained on Mellel for iPad - and vice versa. Built for long and complex documents, Mellel allows you to create documents with style, sophistication, and consistency.
Mellel, the most powerful word-processor for the Mac, comes to the iPad.